Fantasy has always been one of the most arduous genres to write for because of the mastery of world-building it requires to make your book successful. It has taken accomplished novelists years, sometimes decades, to complete a best-selling fantasy series.
Are you working on your own fantasy fiction series? Coming up with creative names can be one of the worst roadblocks when writing fantasy fiction. To make things a bit easier and help you move things along, here is a curated list of 100 unique and creative fantasy last names you can give to your fictional characters.
How Do You Pick a Fantasy Last Name? (Easy Tips)
Here are some actionable tips you can incorporate when selecting a fantasy last name that suits your character.
#1. The surname should work with the first and middle names.
#2. The names of your primary characters should be catchy and fun to enunciate.
#3. If you’re giving your character an unusual surname, remember to give it an equally unusual medley of traits, background, and role in the story.
#4. If you’re having a hard time selecting a name, start by narrowing it down to 10 and then 5 and so on. Feel free to call your friends or acquaintances for some inputs. Writing is an interpersonal art, so being open to suggestions is imperative.
#5. To avoid confusion, make sure no two characters have the same surnames unless they’re somehow related.
#6. Do not use celebrity names that are already well-known.
#7. Consider the time, birthplace, and culture or family history of the character. The character names should feel at home with the setting of the story.
#8. Try to minimize the use of edgy names like Razor, Blaze, or Johnny as much as you can.
Powerful Fantasy Last Names
Here are some heavy-hitting fantasy last names that suggest power for your most triumphant characters.
#1. Youngblood
#2. Chanassard
#3. Moses
#4. Cyprus
#5. Einar
#6. Lightfoot
#7. Sierra
#8. Morozov
#9. Bartlby-Everson
#10. Scardino
#11. Stapleton
#12. Yates
#13. Endo
#14. Marblemaw
#15. Gannon
#16. Apatow
#17. Draper
#18. Eslinger
#19. Kobayashi
#20. Xanthos
Cool Fantasy Last Names
Cool characters are the ones that everyone wishes they were, co-characters and readers included. Here are some cool fantasy names for the most prolific and mysterious characters of your series.
#21. Boneflare
#23. Crowstrike
#23. Credieu
#24. Hallowswift
#25. Illfate
#26. Pellelles
#27. Karenina
#28. Oliveira
#29. Quellings
#30. Roronoa
#31. Smirnov
#32. Longshard
#33. Sawyer
#34. Hazerider
#35. Ludovico
#36. Yonko
#37. Castellan
#38. Lonerider
#39. Langston
#40. Kami
Unique Fantasy Last Names
Building a world unlike anything your genre or the world has ever seen? Here are some ideas for fantasy last names the world has never seen.
#41. Brichazac
#42. Mycroft
#43. Nadir
#44. Alomora
#45. Abednego
#46. Killua
#47. Meruem
#48. Nandishi
#49. Neferpitou
#50. Mirthmantle
#51. Menthuthuyoupi
#52. Embershadow
#53. Jacaranda
#54. Yadao
#55. Shaiapouf
#56. Zoldyck
#57. Netero
#58. Troupe
#59. Swindells
#60. Swiatek
Magical Fantasy Last Names
It takes some nuance to name magical characters like wizards, witches, elves, mages, mythical creatures, or conjurors. Here are some unique magical last names that will elevate your character’s potential.
#60. Sacredpelt
#61. Vespertine
#62. Brendina
#63. Griffin
#64. Chanalet
#65. Glenwillow
#66. Elfscribe
#67. Rapidclaw
#68. Godfrey
#69. Riddle
#70. Echethier
#71. Lucifer
#72. Lionbeam
#73. Titanbrooke
#74. Mistbinder
#75. Flameshaper
#76. Hydrabreath
#77. Starshield
#78. Voidsun
#79. Horsecut
#80. Stormbane
Royal Fantasy Last Names
Just like with magical characters, naming characters of royal families also requires some thought. Royal fantasy names need to be bold, polished, and mature.
#81. Belmont
#82. Festus
#83. Morrow
#84. Dupier
#85. Holloway
#86. Gaillot
#87. Montecristoph
#88. Maignes
#89. Hammond
#90. Nolan
#91. Lancaster
#92. Cretillon
#93. Montarac
#94. Byers
#95. Lomadieu
#96. Hampton
#97. Betillon
#98. Durham
#99. Cliffdane
#100. Doyle